What Is A Mylar Flogger? #BDSM

Christina Mandara


In a nutshell, it’s a flogger that can hold a charge of electricity. In BDSM you will usually find them connected with Violet Wand Play. The floggers will be mounted on a metal handle and the heat resistant polyester resin fronds will shower lots of pretty sparks about when used with indirect or reverse contact. Whilst it’s great for sensory play, it’s also a visual feast and will look amazing with an audience in residence.

It isn’t really used in the way of a traditional flogger, but dragged slowly across areas of the skin to produce anything from a mild tickling to a sharp prickly sensation. An electric feather duster, if you will 😉

Want to get your hands on one?


Try Dr Clockwork in the US: http://www.drclockwork.com/Mylar_Flogger

Or Jack’s Floggers in the UK: http://jacksfloggers.co.uk/

There are all kinds of lovely accessories that you can buy in relation…

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Sex and Intimacy – Where does one end and the other begin?

I learned so much from my cloverleaf; I’ve grown and changed in ways that make me proud. Accepting my polyamorous nature has brought about a sense of inner peace, a quiet contentment replacing much of my feelings of inadequacy and … Continue reading



7/09/15:i came across a term recently – “compersion”, though i was unfamiliar with the word, i was very familiar with what it means. Compersion is a term that was first coined by a polyamory group back in the 90’s. It basically refers to the joy one feels when your partner experiences pleasure or joy from another relationship. It is sometimes referred to as the exact opposite of jealousy. From a cuckold perspective, it is not the same feeling as being sexually excited by watching or hearing of your wife’s pleasure with her lover, it is more of the joy you feel knowing that she is experiencing pleasure. There have been times, MD has let me be a part of playing with another guy. Sometimes i have been allowed to watch; sometimes allowed only to hear them play; and on a few occasions i been allowed to participate. (Once i…

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Not-So-Chaste Fireworks!

Thrill of the Chaste


Wow, what a 4th of July we had this year! A day that began very family friendly with a local parade in the morning and fireworks by the riverfront at night, gave way to much more exciting fireworks when Angel and I found some alone time in the bedroom!  We were both fairly tired from the day’s events, but that did not stop Angel from coming to bed wearing some very sexy lingerie, and she made it very clear that she intended to have some explosive orgasms that night! And so she did..  With my fingers, with my tongue, with her magic wand, while riding on top of me with her magic wand, you name it.. Except for that night I was NOT getting out of the Queen’s Keep for my own orgasm!  That’s quite ok though, as I NEVER get tired of watching Angel, plus I was just out…

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